
林秀玉 老師_基本介紹

教師基本介紹_林秀玉 老師
研究產出&著作_林秀玉 老師
公部門研究計畫_林秀玉 老師
教學&服務表現_林秀玉 老師
歷年獲獎紀錄_林秀玉 老師

研究產出&著作_林秀玉 老師



  1. Lin S.Y., Lin, C.Y., and Hsien, M.J. (2019). Visual thinking on hierarchical illustrations of the structure of chromosome. Journal of Biological Education. 53(1), 79-91. ISSN 0021-9266 (print) 2157-6009 (online).
  2. Show-Yu Lin (2018). College Students’ Understanding of Chemical Compounds, Sources of Information, and Risk Perceptions Regarding Environmental Sustainability Issues. International Journal of Learning and Teaching, 4(4), 326-329. ISSN 2377-2891(print); 2377-2905 (online)
  3. Lin S.Y., Lin, C.Y., and Hsien, M.J. (2018). Comparison of social and culture based risk perception of personal hygiene behaviours. Heliyon, 4 (10), e00839. ISSN 2405-8440.
  4. 林秀玉(2018)。通識教育教學實踐研究:以「人工生殖科技」議題為例。博雅教育學報,17,50-72。ISSN/ISBN:1998-5657
  5. 林秀玉、辛旻靜(2017)。大學生對人工生殖科技的接受度與觀點。科學教育學刊,25(S),463-484。ISSN ‎1027-507x
  6. Show-Yu Lin, Jia-Ying Li & Si-Rong Chen (2017). Tourism and Leisure Embodied Culture and Ecological Environmental Protection: A Low Carbon Tourism for Pinglin Jingualiao Rivers. JinWen University of Science and Technology (Ed.). International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure: Sustainable Development, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Conference Proceedings, 702-710. ISBN 9789866599361
  7. 林秀玉 (2015)。臺灣“新‘良’食”運動。第八屆海峽兩岸科普論壇論文集,179-182. 
  8. Lin, S.Y., Wu, M.T., Cho, Y.I., and Chen, H.H. (2015). The effectiveness of a popular science promotion program on nanotechnology for elementary school students in I-Lan City. Research in Science & Technological Education, 33(1), 22-37. ISSN 0263-5143
  9. Wu, M.T., Lin, S.Y., Cho, Y.I., and Chen, H.H. (2014). The Service-Learning Courses in Ilan University to Promote Nanotech's Popular Science Education. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 5(11), 814-817. ISSN 2010-3689
  10. 林秀玉 (2012)。醫學生學習英文科學術語現況及其相關學習困難:以北部某大學醫學生的生物學術語學習為例。高醫通識教育學報,7,1-23。ISSN 1991-1904
  11. 林秀玉 (2012)。以科學教育營造生態永續與經濟發展雙贏。海峽科學,3,156-157, 164。ISSN 1673-8683
  12. 林秀玉、蔡溥仁(2011)。淡水巡禮探索活動的教學設計與教學成效。國際文化研究,7(2),23-42。ISSN 1815-6576
  13. 張章堂、林秀玉、袁嘉敏、莊憲政、林怡君(2011)。蘭陽地區鄉村與城市地區實施能源教育之研究。國立宜蘭大學工程學刊,7,206-225。ISSN 1815-6495
  14. Show-Yu Lin (2009). Chemical Literacy and Learning Sources of Non-Science Major Undergraduates on Understandings of Environmental Issues. The Chemical Education Journal (CEJ), 13 (1). 
  15. 涂志銘、林秀玉、張賴妙理、鄭湧涇 (2008)。符合建構論理念的教學策略對植物養分與能量概念學習的成效。科學教育學刊,16(1),75~103。ISSN 1027-507X
  16. 林秀玉、陳燕彰、董明倫(2007)。醫學生觀點下的生物學暨其實驗教學目標之探討。高雄醫學院通識教育學報,2,227~234。ISSN 1991-1904
  17. 林秀玉 (2007)。生質能源介紹。第二屆通識教育與國際文化學術研討會論文集,p.105~110。真理大學,淡水,台灣。
  18. 林秀玉 (2006)。小組合作學習成功必備的要點。科學教育月刊,295,23~32。 ISSN 1021-3708
  19. 林秀玉、涂志銘、林祖強、鄭湧涇(2006)。國一學生生物概念成長與其背景、學習與教學情況等變項的關係。科學教育月刊,292,2~14。 ISSN 1021-3708
  20. 林秀玉、董明倫、陳燕彰 (2006)。通識教育自然科學課程的教學與評量實踐之研究。第一屆通識教育與國際文化學術研討會論文集,p325-338。真理大學,淡水,台灣。
  21. 林秀玉(2003)。醫學教育適用的課程統整模式與範例。醫學教育期刊,7(2),14~23。
  22. Wuu, W. S., J. J. Tai, J. Wuu, S. Y. Lin, Chen W. L. and K. D. Wuu. (2001). Chromosome Aberrations in Lymphocytes of Residents Living in Buildings Constructed with Radioactively Contaminated Rebars. J. of Biomedical Scienc, 8, 411~415.
  23.  魏玎玲、林秀玉 (1996)。炭角菌產生木聚糖酶及β-木糖甘酶之探討。Fungi Sci, 11(3, 4): 107~112。



  1. 林秀玉(2023)。度量衡單位的改變與不變:以線性空間的「尺度」、「測量」與「尺寸」為例。2023台灣科技與社會研究學會年會。9月2日至3日,臺灣當代文化實驗場C-LAB,台北,臺灣。
  2. 林秀玉(2021)。地域、科學與帝國主義:『原住』民抗瘧藥物的成與敗。2021台灣科技與社會研究學會年會。6月26日至27日,東華大學,花蓮,臺灣。
  3. 林秀玉、林陳涌、顏仕宇(2021)。細菌概念與益生菌概念行腳到臺灣。第十二屆科學史研討會。3月26日至27日,清華大學,新竹市,臺灣。
  4. Show-Yu Lin, Chen-Yumg Lin and Ming-Chin Shin (2019). Undergraduates’ Acceptances and Perspectives of in Vitro Fertilization, Surrogate Mothers and Implications for Biotechnology Education. The 7th European Conference on Education July, 19-21, London, UK.
  5. Show-Yu Lin (2018). Exploring College Students’ Healthy Conceptions from Representations of Drawings: Some Considerations of Healthy or Unhealthy. The 15th annual international conference on Hands-on Science, July, 16-20, Barcelona Catalonia, Spain.
  6. Show-Yu Lin (2017). Non-Science Major Undergraduates’ Understandings of Chemical Compounds and Their Risks Perceptions on Environmental Sustainability Issues in Taiwan. The 2017 International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology July, 9-11, Singapore.
  7. 林秀玉(2017)。融入人工生殖科技爭議與輔助學習科技的小組合作學習之課室教學。真理大學第八屆優質通識教育的未來展望研討會。5月19日,真理大學,新北市,臺灣。
  8. Show-Yu Lin, Jia-Ying Li, and Si-Rong Chen (2017). Tourism and Leisure Embodied Culture and Ecological Environmental Protection: A Low Carbon Tourism for Pinglin Jingualio Rivers. The 2017 International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, May, 5-6, New Taipei, Taiwan.
  9. 林秀玉、林陳涌(2017)。建構保健食品「案例導向學習」課程與教學。2017年臺灣科技與社會研究學會第九屆年會,3月25日至26日,高雄醫學大學,高雄,臺灣。
  10. 林秀玉、施文博(2016)。保健食品廣告中產品的醫療化與商品化呈現與操作。2016年臺灣科技與社會研究學會第八屆年會,3月25日至26日,成功大學,台南,臺灣。
  11. 林秀玉、林陳涌、洪佳慧、劉倩秀(2016)。觀光工廠對你做了些什麼?:從生產到消費的趨力位移。2016年臺灣科技與社會研究學會第八屆年會,3月25日至26日,成功大學,台南,臺灣。
  12. 洪佳慧、林陳涌、林秀玉、劉倩秀(2016)。鞋墊的認識:專業與病患的對話。2016年臺灣科技與社會研究學會第八屆年會,3月25日至26日,成功大學,台南,臺灣。
  13. Show-Yu Lin (2015). Acceptances and Perspectives of Assisted Reproductive Technologies: In Vitro Fertilization as a Socio-Scientific Medical Issue. The 3rd Asia-Pacific Social Science Conference Nov, 4-6, Nayaga, Japan.
  14. 林秀玉 (2015)。臺灣“新‘良’食”運動。第八屆海峽兩岸科普論壇,8月29日至9月2日,山東日照,中國。
  15. Show-Yu Lin (2015). Food Chemistry in the Daily Life: Tackle Hidden Hunger (Deficiency of Vitamins and Minerals) in Chemistry Education. The Sixth Network for Inter-Asia Chemistry Educators, July, 29-31, Tokyo, Japan.
  16. 洪佳慧、林陳涌、林秀玉、劉倩秀(2015)。由鞋墊到足部矯正裝置的行動者脈絡。2015年臺灣科技與社會研究學會第七屆年會,3月27日至28日,中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心,台北,臺灣。
  17. 劉倩秀、林陳涌、洪佳慧、林秀玉(2015)。護具使用者醫療化與商品化概念之探討。2015年臺灣科技與社會研究學會第七屆年會,3月27日至28日,中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心,台北,臺灣。
  18. Wu, M.T., Lin, S.Y., Cho, Y.I., and Chen, H.H. (2014). The service-learning courses in Ilan University to promote nanotech's popular science education. ICETT (IEDRC). Aug. 28-30, Taipei, ROC.
  19. Show-Yu Lin (2014). Medical Literacy of Socio-Scientific Issues: Acceptances and Perspectives on Artificial Fertilization and Surrogacy. The 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Medical Education, July, 17-19, Wakayama Medical University, Wakayama, Japan.
  20. Show-Yu Lin (2014). Non-Science Major Undergraduates’ Understandings of Chemical Compounds and Their Risks Perceptions on Environmental Sustainability Issues in Taiwan. The 23nd International Conference on Chemistry Education, July, 13-18, Toronto, Canada. (Accepted)
  21. 21.    Show-Yu Lin (2013). Non-Science Major Undergraduates’ Perceptions of Personal Hygiene Behaviors.台灣醫學教育學會102年度會員大會暨國際學術研討會,11月16日,台大醫學院,台北,臺灣。
  22. Wu, M.T., Lin, S.Y., Cho, Y.I. and Chen, H.H. (2013). Food nanotechnology education in Taiwan: the effectiveness of the nanotech's popular science promotion activity for service-learning course – introduction to food nanotechnology. The 13th ASEAN Food Conference (FIFSTA), September, 9-11, Singapore.
  23. Show-Yu Lin and Li-Yi Lin (2013). Non-science major undergraduate’s cognitive on shapes of virus, bacteria and germs in Taiwan. The Third International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education, July, 4-6, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China.
  24. Show-Yu Lin and Pei-Yin Liu (2013). Typical flu images of undergraduates in Taiwan. The Third International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education, July, 4-6, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China.
  25. 林秀玉、林俐宜(2012)。非主修科學大學生的病毒與流感行為、態度與概念之現況。台灣醫學教育學會101年度會員大會暨國際學術研討會,11月24至25日,台大醫學院,台北,臺灣。
  26. 林秀玉、劉珮鄞(2012)。非主修科學大學生對病菌的認知。台灣醫學教育學會101年度會員大會暨國際學術研討會,11月24至25日,台大醫學院,台北,臺灣。
  27. Show-Yu Lin (2012). Actions, Attitudes and Conceptions of Undergraduates in Taiwan about Viruses and Flu. The First IHPST Asian Regional Conference, October, 18-20, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
  28. Show-Yu Lin (2012). Non-science major undergraduate students’ understandings of chemical food additives. The 22nd International Conference on Chemistry Education, 11th European Conference on Research in Chemical Education, July, 15-20, Rome, Italy.
  29. 林秀玉 (2012)。以科學教育營造生態永續與經濟發展雙贏。第五屆海峽兩岸科普論壇,五月,寧德,福建,中國。
  30. Cho, Y.I., Lin, S.Y. & Chen, H.H. (2011). Promotion Efficiency of Nanotechnology Popular Science Education of Elementary Schools Students. The Ilan. 2011 International Workshop on Energy and Nano: Policy, Education and Networking, June, 14-16, NPUST, Penghu, ROC.
  31. Show-Yu Lin (2011). Controversy between Environmental Protection and Economic Development: Undergraduates’ Opinions in Taiwan. The 42th annual Conference of the Australia Science Education Research Association, June, 29 to July, 2nd, Adelaide, South Australia.
  32. Show-Yu Lin (2010). Enhanced Non-Science Major College Students’ Conceptions of Trans Fatty Acid in Taiwan via the Strategy of Read to Learn. The Chemical Education and Sustainability in the Global Age, Aug. 8-13, Taipei, ROC.
  33. Ming-Ta Wu, Show-Yu Lin (2010). A Study on the Indicators of the Nanotechnology Literacy and Ability of the University Students. The ICEE, July 18-22, Gliwice, Poland.
  34. Show-Yu Lin (2010). Students’ Understandings of Metric Scale and Size of Objects in Higher Education. The 41th annual Conference of the Australia Science Education Research Association, June, 30 to July, 3., New South Wales, Australia.
  35. Show-Yu Lin (2010). Attitudes and Conceptions of Virus Held by Non-Science Major College Students in Taiwan. The Sixth International Conference of Science, Mathematics and Technology, Jan. 19-22, Hualien, ROC.
  36. 林秀玉、蔡溥仁(2009)。淡水地區探索活動教學設計與學習成效之研究。第四屆通識教育與國際文化學術研討會暨第一屆北台文史與資產保存學術研討會論文集,p.199~208。真理大學,淡水,臺灣。
  37. Show-Yu Lin (2009). Students’ Understandings and Learning Experiences of the Metric Scale of Objects between Science Majors and Non-science majors. The International Conference of East-Asian Science Education, Oct. 21-23, Taipei, ROC.
  38. Show-Yu Lin (2009). Chemical Literacy and Learning Sources of Non-Science Major Undergraduates on Understandings of Environmental Issues. The Third Network for Inter-Asia Chemistry Educators, July, 29-30, Tokyo, Japan.
  39. Chen-Yung Lin, Show-Yu Lin and Hsin-Yun Hsieh (2009). Students Interpretation of Hierarchical Graphs of the Structure of Chromosome. The Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, April 17-21, Graden Grove, C.A., USA.
  40. Show-Yu Lin, Chih-Ming Tu, and Yeong-Jing Cheng (2008). Exploring Taiwanese Junior High School Students’ Conceptions of Human Nervous System. The 39th annual Conference of the Australia Science Education Research Association, July, 2-5, Brisbane, Australia.
  41. Show-Yu Lin, Chih-Ming Tu, Tzu-Chiang Lin and Yeong-Jing Cheng (2007). Taiwanese 7th graders’ understandings of the nature of science: compared between constructivist teaching and conventional teaching, and genders. The 38th annual Conference of the Australia Science Education Research Association, July, 11-14, Perth, Australia.
  42. Show-Yu Lin, Chih-Ming Tu, Yeong-Jing Cheng and Miao-Li Changlai (2007). Effects of Constructivist Teaching, Prior Knowledge, Scientific Thinking in Biology, Understandings of Nature of Science on 7th Graders’ Genetics Concept Learning. The Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, April 15-18, 2007, New Orleans, L.A., USA.
  43. 林秀玉 (2007)。生質能源介紹。第二屆通識教育與國際文化學術研討會論文集,p.105~110。真理大學,淡水,臺灣。
  44. 林秀玉、涂志銘、林祖強、鄭湧涇 (2006)。國一學生遺傳另有概念成因與屬性之探討。中華民國第二十二屆科學教育年會研討會論文。國立台灣師範大學,台北市,台灣。
  45. 林秀玉、涂志銘、林祖強、鄭湧涇 (2006)。國一學生生物概念成長與其背景、學習與教學情況等變項的關係。2006促進科學概念理解研討會論文。國立彰化師範大學,彰化市,台灣。
  46. Show-Yu Lin, Chih-Ming Tu, and Yeong-Jing Cheng (2006). Genetic Concept Learning of Seventh Grades Students by Concept Diagnostic Inventory-Biology (Genetic). The 6th Annual Conference of the European Researchers in Didactics of Biology, London, UK, September, 11-15. (Accepted)
  47. Show-Yu Lin, Chih-Ming Tu and Yeong-Jing Cheng (2005). Attitude, Anxiety, classroom climate, and their influences on conceptual understanding in 7th grades biology learning. The 36th Annual Conference of the Australia Science Education Research Association, Hamilton, New Zealand, July, 6-9.
  48. Chih-Ming Tu, Show-Yu Lin, Yeong-Jing Cheng and Miao-Li Changlai (2005). An investigation on 7th grade students’ alternative conceptions and conceptual change about human blood circulation. The 36th Annual Conference of the Australia Science Education Research Association, Hamilton, New Zealand, July, 6-9.
  49. Show-Yu Lin, Chih-Ming Tu and Yeong-Jing Cheng (2005). An Investigation of Gender Differences of Anxiety Toward Learning Biology and Its Influences on 7th Grade Students’ Conceptual Understanding. The Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, April 4-7, 2005, Dallas, Texas, USA.
  50. 林秀玉、涂志銘、林祖強、鄭湧涇 (2004)。國一學生認知風格、認知策略與生物概念學習表現之研究。中華民國第二十屆科學教育學術研討會論文。國立高雄師範大學,高雄市,台灣。
  51. 涂志銘、張賴妙理、林秀玉、鄭湧涇 (2004)。探究七年級學生對人體血液循環的概念。中華民國第二十屆科學教育學術研討會論文。國立高雄師範大學,高雄市,台灣。
  52. 林秀玉、陳燕彰、董明倫、王昇、朱友梅、魏玎玲 (2004)。醫學院校大一學生分子生物學概念之研究。九十一年度「醫學教育」專題研究計畫成果討論會論文,p.212~219。
  53. 林秀玉、董明倫、陳燕彰、魏玎玲 (2002)。陽明大學普通生物學暨實驗之教學目標。第六屆海峽兩岸醫學教育研討會。pp. 63。



  1. 林秀玉 (2020)。談亞洲微生物體趨勢論壇與研究發展。科技報導,459,6-7。
  2. 林秀玉、趙軒翎 (2020)。微生物體學新趨勢:從菌到菌相再到轉譯應用。科技報導,459,4-5。
  3. 林秀玉 (2017)。經濟與環保的互利共生─藍色經濟。科學月刊,10,793-797。ISSN, 0250-331X
  4. 林秀玉 (2009)。科學不迷信:能量水、磁化水的迷思。科學月刊,472,312-313。
  5. 林秀玉 (2008)。發現植物中的寶藏─植物中的鑽石。科學月刊,460,311-312。
  6. 林秀玉 (2007)。氣候變遷,後果不再遙遠。科學月刊,455,868-869。
  7. 林秀玉 (2006)。環球學術紐西蘭之旅。科技報導。
  8. 林秀玉 (2005)。現代歐洲人起源之謎。科學月刊。
  9. 林秀玉 (2005)。精子的秘密。科學月刊,431,870。
  10. 林秀玉、羅時成 (2004):「螢光魚」的做者--訪蔡懷楨教授。科學月刊,412,282~288。
  11.  林秀玉 (1999):知識社會學與科學教育──談時間與科學教育。科教人:4,11~16。
  12. 林秀玉 (1998):我國國民中學生物課程研究。科教人:2,19~38。



  1. 林秀玉 (2003)。小組合作學習在醫學校院大一生物科教學實施之成效。國立台灣師範大學科學教育研究所,博士論文。
  2. 林秀玉 (1994)。核醣體和內質網間交互作用之研究。國立陽明醫學院遺傳學研究所,碩士論文。
  3. 施志宜、汪復進、羅惠西、李永棠、林孟龍、彭成煌、林秀玉、張淑女(2009)。導遊、領隊人員國家考試試題品質與相關問題之研究。台北市:考選部。 ISBN 978-986-01-7744-2 

