歷屆碩士論文資料表 校內圖書館藏連結
編號 |
姓 名 |
學年度 |
論文出版年 |
論文中文名稱 |
論文英文名稱 |
指導教授 |
1 |
葉美伶 |
105 |
2017 |
一位母娘追隨者的心路之旅 |
The Journey of Spirituality—Religious Experience of Becoming Follower of “Muniang”(母娘) |
王鏡玲 Wang, Ching-ling |
2 |
鄭淑敏 |
104 |
2016 |
華人改宗基督宗教歷程之探討—以生命危機者為例 |
A Study of the Process of Conversion to Christianity in Chinese Society - an Empirical Analysis of Converts’ Life Crisis Experience |
張雅惠 Chang, Yea-Huey |
3 |
陳建宏 |
104 |
2016 |
台灣輕小說中的青少年情慾 |
The Teenage Lust in Taiwanese Light Novel |
王鏡玲 Wang, Ching-Ling |
4 |
沈季静 |
104 |
2016 |
世界基督教統一神靈協會婚配儀式之初探 |
A Pilot Study on the Blessing Ceremony of The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity |
5 |
林二豪 |
104 |
2016 |
基督教喪葬禮儀因應台灣人文環境的矛盾與融合-以台灣客家教會融入傳統喪葬禮儀為例 |
A Study of Christian Funeral Assimilated Local Funeral Tradition: A Case Study of Hakka Church Funeral Service in Taiwan |
6 |
陳美滿 |
104 |
2016 |
慈濟理念與宗教教育的實踐—淡水區親子成長班個案研究 |
The Idea of Tzu Chi and the Practice of Religious Education-A Case Study of Growing Classes with Parents and Children in Tamsui |
7 |
林佳儀 |
104 |
2016 |
台灣佛寺爭訟事件之研究-以中華佛寺協會《佛寺季刊》案例為探討範圍 |
A Study on the Litigation of Buddhist Temples in Taiwan—Based on the Cases Mentioned in “Buddhist Temple Quarterly Magazine” |
8 |
蕭合和 |
104 |
2016 |
當代台灣種生基類型比較研究 |
Comparative Study on Patterns of the ”Zung Saang Gei” in the Contenporary Taiwan |
張家麟 Chia-Lin,Chang |
9 |
杜淑微 |
104 |
2016 |
大崗山超峰寺2012年梁皇法會儀式研究 |
A Study of Rituals for Liang Huang Ceremony in 2012 at Chao Feng Monastery in Da Gang Shan |
10 |
周志衡 |
104 |
2016 |
土地公信仰的職能轉化研究 -以新北市中和地區為例 |
The Study of Taiwanese Earth god – A case study of Chung-Ho in New Taipei City |
高怡萍 Kao Yi-Ping |
11 |
陳連生 |
103 |
2015 |
基隆廣遠壇晚朝科儀研究 |
A study of Taoist Wan-Chao ritual of Guanyuan Altar in Keelung |
蕭進銘 Hsiao,Chin-Ming |
12 |
楊育霖 |
103 |
2015 |
淡水蘇府王爺廟祭典儀式研究 ── 以年例慶典及送王船儀式為核心 |
A Study of Rituals of Tamsui Sufuwangye Temple: Focus on the Rituals of Annual Festival and Wang Ye Boat-burning |
蕭進銘 Hsiao,Chin-Ming |
13 |
王思雅 |
103 |
2015 |
祖先崇拜與財產、權力的繼承對家族興衰的影響 -以新北市柯氏家族為例 |
The influence to prosperity of family caused by the inheritance of ancestor worship、property and power-A case study of Ko's family in New Taipei. |
高怡萍 Yi- Ping,Kao |
14 |
盧秀玲 |
102 |
2014 |
論當代台灣告別式的型態之比較研究 |
Comparative study on Farewell ceremony patterns in Contemporary Taiwan |
張家麟 博士 Johnny Chang,Ph.D |
15 |
尤敏 |
102 |
2014 |
繪本生命教育課程對大學生探索自我概念與人際關係之影響 |
The Influence of Picture Book Life Education Program on Self-exploration and Interpersonal Relationship toward University Students. |
張雅惠 Chang, Yea-Huey |
16 |
蘇倍民 |
102 |
2014 |
宗教政策與政教分立:臺北市政府宗教案例之比較研究 |
Policy of Religion and the Wall of Separation between State and Religion:Comparative Study on Religion Cases of Taipei City Government |
張家麟 Johnny, Chang |
17 |
洪儷倩 |
102 |
2014 |
《八宅明鏡》之理論與實踐 --以陳錦環老師之說為核心 |
Theory and Practice of “Eight Dwellings Clear Mirror” -Take Teacher Chen, Chin-whan as the example |
王鏡玲 Wang, Ching-ling |
18 |
林紘任 |
102 |
2014 |
慈濟浴佛節儀及其思想探究 |
A Study of the Thought of Tzu Chi’s Buddha Bathing Ceremony |
王榮昌 Jung-Chang Wang |
19 |
邱文惠 |
101 |
2013 |
新加坡實施宗教與儒家道德教育之探析 |
Implementation of public education programs about Confucian Ethics and Religious Knowledge in Singapore |
陳志榮 Chi-Rong Chen |
20 |
宜換 |
101 |
2013 |
印尼亞齊省伊斯蘭教:伊斯蘭教法實施的衝突與和解 |
陳志榮 Prof. Dr. Chi-Rong Chen |
21 |
闕素蘭 |
101 |
2013 |
關公聖誕法會儀式之研究—以苗栗獅山勸化堂為例 |
Research on Kuan Kung’s Birth Ceremony-A Case Study of the Miaoli Shih Shan Chiuann Huah Temple. |
陳志榮 Chi-Rong, Chen |
22 |
江心玉 |
101 |
2013 |
台灣地區學童的宗教態度與行為-一貫道道場小天使班與某公立國小比較研究 |
The religious attitudes and behaviors of school children in Taiwan-a comparison study between kids in I-Kuan Tao angel class and some public primary school. |
張家麟 Johnny Chang |
23 |
丁涴麒 |
101 |
2013 |
生命教育融入課程對學童正向情緒之影響─以國小高年級多元活化英語課程為例 |
A Study on the Effects of Life Education Integrated with Multi-Activation English Curriculum on Elementary School High Graders’ Positive Emotions |
張雅惠 Chang, Yea-Huey |
24 |
王貞宜 |
101 |
2013 |
宗教組織與醫療機構互動作為之研究 以聖望教會、芥菜種會與樂生院為例 |
A Study to the Interaction Between Religious organizations and Medical institutions:For Example of Sheng Wang Presbyterian Church,Mustard Seed Association, and Lo-Sheng Sanatorium Department of Health Executive Yuan,R.O.C (Taiwan) |
25 |
王振中 |
100 |
2012 |
論當代臺灣宗教自由變遷─政教衝突案例比較研究 |
Discourse on Freedom of Religion Transition in Contemporary Taiwan:cases studies of conflict between state and religion |
張家麟 Chang,Chia-Lin |
26 |
邱郁霖 |
100 |
2012 |
臺灣地皎法師「三相佛化」之研究 |
Reverend Di Jiao of Taiwan and Tri-Buddhist Family Practices |
蔡維民 博士 Tsai Wei-Min |
27 |
周啟忠 |
100 |
2012 |
台灣道教集體式養成教育之研究-─以三清宮「道學研習營」、指南宮「中華道教學院」、道教發展基金會「道學研習班」為例 |
A Study of Collective Cultivate Taoism Education in Taiwan |
蔡維民 教授 Tsai Wei-Min |
28 |
周景明 |
99 |
2010 |
「他鄉歷史之修補」:一個原住民團體發展歷程之研究─以蘭嶼達悟族『旅台蘭青團契』為例 |
A study of developing procedure of an urban aborigine group:The example of 「Tao Lan Chin community 」 |
陳志榮 |
29 |
黃宏泰 |
98 |
2010 |
整合性生命教育教材之研究 —以世界宗教博物館出版之《小小真愛生命教育繪本》為例 |
A Study on Integrative materials of Life Education - For the Example of “Early childhood Life Education picture book’s” published by MWR |
蔡維民 Tsai, Wei Min |
30 |
謝依璇 |
98 |
2010 |
得勝者志工信念與教學實務之探討 |
A Study on Belief and Teaching Practice of the Champions Curriculum Volunteers |
張雅惠 |
31 |
蔣素萍 |
98 |
2010 |
宗教對身心障礙學生家長心理支持之研究--以北區某高職身心障礙學生家長為例 |
A study on religious mental supports of parents with disabled children --the cases to a vocational school in north Taiwan A study on religious mental supports of parents with disabled children |
蔡維民 Wei-Ming, Cai |
32 |
劉興煒 |
98 |
2010 |
認同與發展:天理教在台信徒對其宣教模式認同度之研究 |
Identification and Development:A Study for identification of the Tenrikyo’s believers to their preach religion pattern in Taiwan |
張家麟 Johnny, Chang |
33 |
陳貴芝 |
98 |
2010 |
禮儀師之工作與心理調適歷程之研究 |
A Study of the Job Adaptation and Psychological adjustment process of Funeral Instructor |
34 |
陳必忻 |
98 |
2010 |
融入式生命教育成效之研究-「以宗教心理學課程為例」 |
The Effects of incorporating Life Education into Psychology of Religion Curriculum |
35 |
賴豐福 |
97 |
2009 |
宗教團體志工的組織認同與發展-以士林地區慈濟功德會為例 |
A Study on the identification of the volunteer in the religious group and its development –focus on the Tzu Chi Foundation in Shin-Lin district. Taipei. |
張家麟 Johnny, Chang |
36 |
林俊立 |
97 |
2009 |
台灣地區佛教徒政治參與之研究-以人間佛教為研究焦點 |
Research of the Political Participation of Buddhist In Taiwan ─ Take the Humanistic Buddhism as the focal point of the research |
張家麟 Johnny Chang |
37 |
洪德揚 |
97 |
2009 |
寺廟儀式之研究─以北投慈后宮為例 |
Research of the temple ceremony ─A Case study on Beitou Ci-Hou Temple |
陳志榮 Chen Zhirong |
38 |
熊品華 |
97 |
2009 |
臺灣道士服飾及其圖像之比較研究─以正一派、靈寶派、禪和派、全真派為例 |
A comparative study of Taoist priest’s clothing and it’s icon in Taiwan-Discussing on the Zhengyi , Lingbao , Zenhe and Quanzhen denominations |
張家麟 Johnny Chang, Ph.D. |
39 |
劉智豪 |
97 |
2009 |
傳統與現代—論台灣鸞堂扶鸞儀式及其變遷因素 |
Tradition and Modernity: A Study on the Rituals of Spirit Writing and it’s factors of change in Taiwan Phoenix Halls |
張家麟 Johnny,Chang |
40 |
楊淑閔 |
97 |
2009 |
禁錮的時代—善書(功過格)中的婦女角色 |
The Age of Restriction : the Concept of Woman role in Chinese morality book |
陳志榮 Chi-Rong, Chen |
41 |
李秋緯 |
97 |
2009 |
宗教電視台經營管理模式之研究-以新眼光電視台為例 |
The study of Organization Management of Religious Television:The Case in New Eyes Television |
蔡維民 Wei-Ming, Cai |
42 |
鮑少開 |
97 |
2008 |
宗教福利組織經營模式之變遷 以香港中華基督教青年會(香港YMCA)為例 |
A study of the change of religious organization administration:a case study of "Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong" |
蔡維民 |
43 |
陳建安 |
96 |
2008 |
安貝卡(B.R.Ambedkar)的改信佛教運動其內涵與意義之研究 |
Studies of Contents and Significances of B.R. Ambedkar’s Conversion to Buddhist Movements |
林煌洲 |
44 |
戴裕 |
96 |
2008 |
初期佛教象徵圖像研究─以山琦(Sāñchī)佛塔為例 |
A Study of the Symbolic Reliefs and Structures Applied in the Monuments of Sāñchī in the Period of the Early Buddhism |
林煌洲 ,林保堯 |
45 |
鍾玫芳 |
96 |
台灣宗教團體租稅優惠之探討 |
A Study of the Tax Preference on the Religious Organization in Taiwan |
陳志榮 Chen,Chi-Rong |
46 |
陳政宏 |
96 |
2008 |
收驚儀式參與者的因素分析━以台北行天宮信眾為研究焦點 |
Factors Analysis of the Participants of the Siu-Gian Ritual ━ Focus on the Taipei Hsing Tian Temple’s Believers |
張家麟 Johnny Chang,Ph.D. |
47 |
初雅士 |
96 |
2008 |
論伊斯蘭之和平觀與穆斯林恐怖主義 |
The Concept of Peace and Terrorism in Islam |
林長寬 Lin Chan-Kuan |
48 |
蔡鑫宇 |
96 |
2008 |
禮拜儀式音樂的傳統與創新-以士林區長老教會田野調查為例 |
Tradition and Innovation in Liturgical Music: A case study of the Presbyterian Church of Shih-Lin Area in Taipei |
江玉玲 Yu-Ring CHIANG |
49 |
陳家玉 |
96 |
2008 |
從台灣基督教刊物看同志議題 |
The Homosexual Discourses of Christian Journals in Taiwan |
王鏡玲 Wang, Jing-Ling |
50 |
林天芬 |
95 |
2007 |
孫思邈醫藥養生思想之研究 |
A study of Sun Si-Miao's medical Health Preserving Theory. |
莊宏誼 Hung-yi Chuang |
51 |
戴嘉琦 |
95 |
2007 |
澎湖小法造橋過限儀式研究 |
A Study on Taoist Rituals of“Zao-Qiao and Guo- Xian”in Peng-Hu Village Temples |
陳志榮 |
52 |
高菁敏 |
95 |
2007 |
宗教組織變遷之研究--以台灣基督長老教會總會教會與社會委員會為例 |
A case study of the chang of religions organization:the Church and Society Committee of Presbyterian Church in Taiwan |
陳志榮 |
53 |
邱碧玲 |
95 |
2007 |
禮斗儀式的宗教感受及其影響—以淡水行忠宮個案為例 |
The Religious Experience of "Lidou Ritual" and Its Effects —A case study of Tamsui's Hsing-Chung Temple |
張家麟 Johnny Chang, Ph.D. |
54 |
蔡秀菁 |
95 |
2007 |
宗教政策與新宗教團體發展— 以台灣地區新宗教申請案為焦點 |
Policy of religion and development of new religion gruops-focus on new religion appeal cases in Taiwan |
張家麟 Chang Chia Lin |
55 |
張甫豪 |
95 |
2007 |
宗教團體志工經營與宗教發展-台北保安宮個案研究 |
Religion group volunteer management and the development of religion-The case study of Taipei Baoan Temple |
張家麟 Johnny Chang |
56 |
劉俊良 |
94 |
2006 |
論宗教詐欺之處罰可能性 |
A Study of the Possible Punishment of the Religious Deception |
張永明 Chang,Yeong-ming |
57 |
何欣頤 |
94 |
2006 |
都市原住民基督徒的宗教信仰與傳統文化之研究:以臺灣基督長老教會玉成教會為例 |
The study of the Interaction Development between the Urban Christian Aborigines' Religious Beliefs and Traditional Culture: The Research on The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan Iceng Church. |
蔡維民 Wei-Min Tsai |
58 |
蔡合綱 |
94 |
2006 |
真佛心宗組織、儀式及其教義初探 |
A Study on True Buddha Mind Clan’s Organization, Ritual and Teachings |
鄭志明 Jyh-Ming Jeng |
59 |
李紀勳 |
94 |
2006 |
宇宙觀、儀式與宗教變遷-兼論一貫道興毅南興「道務整合」 |
World View, Ritual and Religion Change- With A Case Study on The “Tao Affairs Integration” of The Shin-Yi Nan-Shin in I-Kuan Tao |
王榮昌 Jung-Chang Wang |
60 |
鍾聖一 |
94 |
2006 |
基督教對同性戀倫理之研究─以同光同志長老教會為例 |
Homosexual Ethics of Christianity─Tong-Kwang Light House Presbyterian Church |
蔡維民 Cai Wei Ming |
61 |
蘇健仁 |
94 |
2006 |
民間信仰與現代社會之互動---以林口竹林山觀音寺為例 |
Interaction of the folk Blief and the modern society --take the example of Linkou Chu Lin San temple |
陳志榮 |
62 |
陳羿君 |
94 |
2006 |
法老阿肯納頓之宗教改革對古埃及社會的影響 |
Pharaoh Akhenaten's religion reformation to the influence of ancient Egypt society. |
陳志榮 Zhi Rong, Chen |
63 |
盧永茵 |
94 |
2006 |
印度宗教團體在台發展宣教策略之研究 |
A Research of the Mission Strategy of Hinduism’s Organizations in Taiwan |
64 |
歐陽瑞蓮 |
94 |
2006 |
古埃及宗教二元觀之研究 |
A Study of Dualism about Ancient Egypt Religion |
蔡維民 Tsai, Wei-Min |
65 |
劉騰元 |
93 |
2005 |
基督教聚會模式變遷研究----以基督教台灣信義會台北真理堂為例 |
A study to the change of Church Cenacle—A case study of Taipei Truth Lutheran Church |
蔡維民 Wei-Min Tsai |
66 |
賴正恩 |
93 |
2005 |
從馬偕安寧療護教育示範中心來反省台灣安寧療護與靈性照顧 |
The Reflection about Hospice and Spiritual care in Taiwan from the Mackay Hospice and Palliative care center |
蔡維民 Wie-Min ,Tsai |
67 |
張兆林 |
93 |
2005 |
台灣基督長老教會政教關係之演變 |
The Evolution of Church and State Relationship of The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan |
陳志榮 Chi-Rong Chen |
68 |
陳慧玲 |
93 |
2005 |
尼采對基督宗教禁欲主義的批判:以尼采《論道德的譜系》與奧古斯丁《懺悔錄》為範圍 |
On Nietzsche's Critique of Christian Asceticism : With Focus on “On The Genealogy of Morals” of Nietzsche and “The Confessions” of Augustine |
王鏡玲 Jing-Ling Wang |
69 |
羅佳文 |
93 |
2005 |
從「現代禪」到「淨土宗彌陀念佛會」:一個宗教團體的轉型 |
From “Modern Chan Society” to “Amitabha Buddha Recitation Society”: The Transformation of a Religious Movement in Taiwan |
林本炫 Lin, Pen-Hsuan |
70 |
陳道容 |
93 |
2005 |
論新興宗教信徒入教因素及其影響~山達基教會個案研究 |
張家麟 |
71 |
闕麗美 |
93 |
2005 |
論廟宇再造及其因素之分析--大龍峒保安宮個案研究 |
On the Temple Re-engineering and Its Analysis --A Case Study of Ta-Lon Tong Pao-An Kung Temple |
張家麟 Johnny Chang Ph.D. |
72 |
史柏林 |
93 |
2005 |
華人基督教會「祭祖」禮儀之文化層面研究-以台灣聖公會為例 |
蔡維民 |
73 |
李信福 |
92 |
2004 |
基督教組織治理機制之研究─以財團法人台北市中華基督教青年會為例 |
A study of the governance mechanism of the Christian organization: A case study of the Taipei YMCA. |
蔡維民 Wei-Min Tsai |
74 |
æ½ç®ç² |
92 |
2004 |
靈性照護對癌症病人的影響──以行動研究法評估 |
The influence of spiritual care on cancer patient--evaluated by action research |
林本炫 Pen-Hsuan Lin |
75 |
黃慧英 |
91 |
2003 |
初期佛教生天思想研究 |
王開府 |